Due to the pandemic, the sessions are held via Zoom in 60-90 minute sessions. These sessions are interactive with workshops allowing participants to practice the skill discussed and get feedback on how to improve. Additionally, medical education scholarship opportunities exist through structured coaching in order to help bring ideas to fruition. The Medical Education Leadership Track (MELT) program also allows for direct feedback to each individual on communication skills, teaching, and feedback skills through observation of pre-recorded didactic sessions. We are hopeful by teaching the skills necessary to be an authentic, engaged, and compassionate clinical educator, we will be able to transform the way we approach clinical teaching and medical education.
Annual MELT Program Application Timeline
 | Early MarchMELT Program Details announced. See your Program Director for details. |
 | Early MayApplications Due. Exact date announced in GME News. |
 | Mid-JuneParticipants notified individually of acceptance. |
 | AugustFirst MELT session. |