Well-being Resources

The Duke Office of Graduate Medical Education is dedicated to the good health and well-being of all residents and fellows throughout Duke Health. Here are some of the resources provided to them. If you're a Duke employee and want services click here. (NetID sign-in required.)


  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by dialing or texting 988. Alternatively, you can call 1-800-273 (TALK) 8255.
  • Crisis Text line, Text HOME to 741741

Duke Graduate Medical Education, Health Services logo Mental & physical health services that Duke Health provides Residents & Fellows.

Access to Medical Care

Establishing and maintaining a relationship with a primary care provider is an important part of resident and fellow well-being, and scheduling appointments can be difficult. Duke GME has partnered with Duke Primary Care (DPC) to make scheduling appointments for residents, fellows, and their families easy and quick. DPC sponsors a concierge scheduling phone line available only to GME trainees (866-303-3659). Calls are answered promptly, and schedulers provide maximal flexibility to arrange appointments for trainees and their immediate family at one of multiple locations across the Triangle. Telehealth visits and select evening and weekend appointments are available. After hours trainees can reach out by email at DPCCallCenterAdministration@dm.duke.edu. Go here for more information.

Personal Assistance Services (PAS) is a free, confidential counseling service, available to all employees and their immediate families. Contact info is (919) 416-1727 and there is a link on the MedHub page. There are dedicated GME Prime Time appointments at 7 a.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., and 7 p.m. reserved for GME trainees.

Alternatively, PAS counselors can provide you with a list of community mental health providers that accept Duke insurance. To receive a current list of accepting providers, call PAS so that you can be matched with appropriate services. DPC primary care is another available resource for mental health services (see scheduling information above).

Primary and Urgent Care Services for Duke Residents, Fellows, & Their Immediate Family

Primary Care
Hours vary by practice. In person or via video: By appointment.

Urgent Care

Daily 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
In person: No appointment needed. For a list of locations, go to DukeHealth.org/UrgentCare. Via video: By appointment.

Daily 8 p.m. – 8 a.m.
Duke Health Anywhere (via video): No appointment needed. Go to DukeHealth.org/Anywhere.

To Schedule an Appointment

Between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday – Friday

Support at Work for Difficult Situations

Caring for Each Other Program (CEO) exists to support all DUH team members. It provides:

  • Real time support to staff
  • Education to mitigate risk of being a Second Victim
  • Clinical consultation with impacted areas through referrals from a number of sources
  • Referrals, where appropriate, to other resources

Chaplain Services

Spiritual care for people of all faiths is available any time day or night. Find more information on the Duke Chaplain Services and Education website.

Duke Graduate Medical Education, Fitness & Nutrition logo Tips, free meals, fitness clubs, & resources on good nutrition here in Durham, NC.

  • Live for Life - Duke's employee wellness program, offers a variety of programs and services, such as health assessments and education, smoking cessation programs, fitness activities, and nutrition activities, to help eligible faculty, staff and family members reach their health and fitness goals.